
Debunking These 7 Myths To Achieve A Successful Weight Loss Journey

Weight Loss

If one of your goals is to lose weight and get fit, you might be tempted to try the different diet fads in the market. From weight loss miracle supplements to extreme juice cleanses, you’ll find countless options that claim to provide visible great results. But did you know that most fast-track methods are based on myths?

One of the known weight loss myths is that you only need to exercise more to lose weight. Although exercise is fundamental to it, a healthy lifestyle,weight maintenance, and changing your diet by consuming fat burning food can help you shed those extra pounds effectively.

To achieve a successful weight loss journey, below are some of the myths you should be aware of:

1. Weight Loss Is All About Willpower

One of the biggest weight loss myths is one’s failure or success in losing weight revolves around willpower. This isn’t true as there are medical conditions and genetic variables, like depression and hypothyroidism, which may cause a person to gain weight.

The body also has biological pathways and hormones that regulate weight. Such can become dysfunctional, which can make it tough to take on the weight loss journey.

2. Get Rid Of Fats In Diet To Lose Weight

Weight Loss

Another common myth is that you should get rid of all the fats in your diet to lose weight. It makes you consume more no-fat or low-fat labeled products, which can cause some problems. Most packaged food products are said to claim to be low-fat yet are often loaded with sweet substitutes and sugar which can increase your sugar level.

Moreover, fat constitutes one of the crucial macronutrients for your health and important for any diet plan for it. Just make sure to consume them in moderation. If there’s a type of fat that you should avoid, it’s trans or saturated fat. Natural fats from fish, fruits, and nuts are essential for stronger immunity, hormone production, and a healthy heart rate.

3. Skip Meals To Lose Weight

Skipping meals isn’t a great idea and won’t help you lose weight in a sustainable way. It may even have some adverse effects on your body. Remember that the number of meals doesn’t matter. What matters is your calorie intake and you should pay close attention to it.

If you want to lose weight, it’s essential to lessen the number of calories you consume and maximize the calories you burn by exercising. However, skipping meals may sometimes result in tiredness that’ll hamper your mobility.

4. Slow Weight Loss Is More Sustainable Than Rapid Weight Loss

This weight loss myth says that losing one to two pounds every week is ideal, while people who lose more weight quicker will gain it all back. But, rapid weight loss may often provide positive reinforcement and enable you to start exercising and feel better with less weight, causing stress.

Yo-yo dieting, on the other hand, makes people gain and lose weight frequently, but it’s believed to be not the best way to achieve good weight loss results. Typically, a successful weight loss plan requires major lifestyle and dietary changes to kickstart one’s weight loss journey.

One change that you could make it to take a dietary supplement that could aid your weight loss – just make sure that you check out the Bio X4 ingredients, or the ingredients of any supplement you are looking at, to make sure that they are good, safe, ingredients that you know will give you the results you are looking for. Supplements are super easy to incorporate into your regular routine and, of course, easy to take.

5. Juice Cleanses For Fast Weight Loss

A juice cleanse has been touted as a way to lose weight fast and detox, but it’s far from the truth. Even if you’re getting a reduction in calories, you’re also ingesting more liquid sugar that may cause weight gain and increase your blood sugar level.

In addition, although cutting calories is effective in losing weight, going too low for a long time may have the opposite effect. So, if you don’t want to experience it, avoid relying on a juice cleanse when trying to lose weight.

6. Lose Weight By Sticking With Gluten-Free Diets

Gluten is basically the protein found in particular grains such as rye, barley, and wheat. It isn’t harmful and is actually found in other foods that are rich in minerals, fiber, and vitamins.

Therefore, staying gluten-free doesn’t always mean that you won’t gain weight. Sometimes, you may gain weight from considering gluten-free diets because most processed gluten-free products have higher levels of sugars and fats than their other counterparts.

7. Heavy Exercising Is The Key

One of the contentious weight loss tips out there is exercising heavily is needed to burn more calories. Although it’s recommended to engage in physical activities daily, heavy exercising isn’t a good idea regardless of your weight loss goals.

The reason behind it is that rigorous exercise may cause serious health issues if not done moderately. Unless permanent behavioral and lifestyle changes aren’t made, it isn’t possible to get weight loss results by spending several heavy workout sessions at your local gym.


In terms of losing weight, anything highly restrictive and drastic is a red flag. If you want to achieve a successful weight loss journey, always opt for a holistic approachincluding regular physical activity, proper diet, and novel ideas like adding CBD (cannabidiol) to your meal regimen. Remember that you didn’t gain weight overnight, so don’t expect to lose extra pounds in a snap too. Also, beware of baseless diet programs and focus on sustainable weight loss.