Write for Us


For me, it is always an honor, that you think of my digital home, a space for the dissemination of knowledge, because the most important thing in this world so complicated and full of information and disinformation, is the DEMOCRATIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE.

That we can share without suspicion and, of course, with a lot of professionalism, where not only the experience will be reflected but also the goodwill.

Contact via contactus@beingnaturalhuman.comWrite For Us Some Guidelines for the article:

What do we expect from you?

Professionals who are eager to share, who have the gift of teaching, and who can make difficult into EASY, for the understanding of the community.

Professionals who share their experience through reflex practice, and not with an excessive seasoning of egocentrism, but loaded with focused knowledge that leaves a taste of wanting to know more about you.

Why in Beingnaturalhuman?

This is not a competition, but a PURE EMPATHY, that magical connection, where Beingnaturalhuman offers you space for you to expose your content.

Promotion through my digital channels and my subscribers.

Steps to Connect With Us

If you are interested, write to me at email contactus@beingnaturalhuman.com

I will not accept all of them. Why? I built a site with a lot of effort. Therefore, I am strict with each publication made; I try to thoroughly review every detail (EYE, I am a human being, sometimes I can escape some).

I am open to your content proposal; however, I have the right menu, since I am a GLUTTON OF CONTENT, and I love to see new IDEAS WITH A CREATIVE FOCUS.

Unbeatable Rules in Beingnaturalhuman

Article content

Topics: To proceed with the collaboration, it is necessary to discuss the topic that the community would love to know; therefore, you can propose a minimum of 3 topics in which you have knowledge and experience.

Length: The length of the article must be at least 800 words; it is recommended that it has 2,500 or 3,000 for quality and positioning reasons.

Originality: The content must be “100% ORIGINAL” and plagiarism free. It is normal for articles to be based on sources or authors, but there can be no duplication of content since search engines like Google penalize it.

References: When using the texts of other articles, it is recommended that at the end of the article, the links be incorporated, to know where the information was taken from, only if the content is from a digital source.

Writing style

Language: at the time of writing, it is recommended to be simple and easy to process by most readers, and if technical information is incorporated, it is recommended to attach a definition or short explanation of it.

Structure: It is highly relevant that the article clearly defines the titles, sub-titles, relevant phrases, among others.

Spelling: You should try to check the writing and spelling beforehand.

Synonyms: The use of synonyms is one of the great advantages to avoid repeating words in the same paragraph.

 Audiovisual content

Images: To incorporate the images, they must be within the structure of the article and are attached within the email when sending the article, images it is recommended that the title of the images is related to the point of the explanation that was developed within the article. Use Pexels, Pixabay, and Unsplash for better images in size 1280*720.

URL: For heavy content like info graphics, videos, presentations, or any material, it is recommended that you send the link.

Biography of the author

Card: A maximum description of 300 characters is recommended, email, link from your social networks, or website.

Photo: The photo is optional, but it will help you connect more with the reader by seeing the author’s face.

NOTE: The contents may undergo certain modifications, adaptations or changes, to adapt to the public, and to maintain the validity of the content.


Contact via contactus@beingnaturalhuman.com