
Who Is More Likely To Get Keloids

Factors that Affect the Development of Keloids

A keloid is an overgrown scar that affects the skin. Everyone can develop keloids, but the young, aged 10 to 30, are more prone as their bodies easily respond to skin injuries faster causing scarring. They are thick and raised scars. Dark-skinned individuals with a history of the condition are also prone to keloids. The excess skin pigment in darker-skinned people causes abnormal healing, causing scarring. Everyone needs to learn more about keloids, from the cause to signs and symptoms, treatment, and prevention.


The common cause of keloids in prone individuals is a skin injury that causes scars. For instance, burns, chickenpox scars, scratches, and acne scars. Others might include surgical incision sites and piercings in the ears and noses.

Keloids will generally have a genetic component, and that implies you’re bound to have keloids if either of your folks has them. The AHNAK gene is responsible for scarring. Assuming you have realized risk factors creating keloids, you might need to try not to get body piercings, and a pointless medical procedure. Learn about choices for disposing of keloids and different scars that are normal on the legs.

  • Risk Factors for Keloids
  • Being an expectant mother
  • of Asian and Latino descent.
  • being less than 30 years old.

Symptoms and Signs

It shows up progressively. It can take up to a year or more before you notice a keloid beginning to grow; typically, it will appear after a long period from the initial skin damage. It might likewise develop rapidly. Some of the time, keloids spread quickly, and may, for instance, triple in size in as little as a couple of months.

Your scar is bothersome, delicate, or excruciating. These side effects typically stop once the keloid is created. Your scar is easily bothered. It might become bothered by erosion, like scouring against the dress.

It is slowly becoming more obscure. A keloid commonly starts as a pink, red, or tissue-shaded scar that obscures over the long haul and winds up looking hazier than the skin around the scar.

You will likely notice these signs and symptoms in your ears, shoulders, neck, back, and chest. They affect the movement of the body part where they appear. Keloids can also affect your psychological aspects due to pain and itching.

In months or years, keloids grow until a certain point where they cease growing. Despite this, keloids will not disappear unless there is treatment. Adding to that, they are recurrent, meaning they can appear after treatment.


The signs and symptoms mentioned earlier in this article can be assessed by a dermatologist. Skin biopsies help in their diagnosis. Keloids can be confused with hypertrophic scars. Several things will help differentiate these two.

In contrast to keloids, hypertrophic scars are smaller, and they can disappear on their own over the long haul. Hypertrophic scars happen similarly among sexes and nationalities, and they’re normally brought about by different types of physical or substance wounds, like piercings or odors that are harsh. From the outset, new hypertrophic scars can be irritated and excruciating. However, the side effects die down as the skin mends. Find out pretty much all your hypertrophic scar treatment choices.


The good thing about keloids is that they are durable. They can be treated by several therapies. An advantage is that you can also get home treatment for these scars.

a. Home Remedies

The choice of keloid treatment can be a complex process. Keloid scarring is the aftereffect of the body’s endeavour to fix itself. In the wake of eliminating the keloid, the scar tissue might recover once more, and sometimes it bounces back bigger than before.

Before any operations, have a go at considering at-home medicine. Saturating oils, accessible on the web, can assist with keeping the tissue delicate. These could assist in diminishing the size of the scar without exacerbating it. Keloids will generally contract and become clear after some time, even without treatment.

Your dermatologist will presumably suggest less-obtrusive medicines, such as silicone cushions, pressure dressings, or infusions, particularly on the off chance that the keloid scar is a genuinely new one. You have to ensure proper application of the medication given within 3 months.

If the home remedies do not work, then you should consider hospital remedies that include surgery and medications. This will greatly help eliminate these scars.

b. Keloids Surgery

This applies to keloids that are older and extremely large. This method has more benefits compared to others in the removal of large keloids. However, the scarring of keloids after surgery is high. I will discuss cryotherapy and laser therapy.

i. Cryotherapy

This applies to small keloids. It eliminates them by freezing them inside out. It supplements corticosteroid injections.

ii. Laser Therapy Treatments

This treatment restores the keloid and encompassing skin with high light emissions, with the end goal of making a smoother, more conditioned appearance. In any case, there’s a gamble that laser treatment can exacerbate your keloids by causing expanded scarring and redness. While these secondary effects are sometimes better than the initial scar, you should still expect some type of scarring.

c. Medications

There are two kinds of medications used. Corticosteroid injections are given to help with inflammation. This relieves itching, tenderness, and swelling. The other is chemotherapy with fluorouracil, which treats cancer. It works synergistically with corticosteroids.


Treatments might be expensive and ineffective at times. Due to this, prevention is very important and better. Avoid body piercings, tattoos, or any elective medical procedure. Treat any injury immediately, regardless of how minor it is; this might help your skin mend quicker and reduce the chances of scarring. On the off chance that you truly do end up with an injury, converse with your dermatologist about how to cater to and dress it.

Keloids have many effects on you in many ways, including your self-esteem. Get them addressed early before they advance to more complicated stages. If you are at a higher risk, employ the preventive measures appropriately. Get an experienced dermatologist, and you will have your keloid issue sorted.

These and more information about keloids can be found here