
What Do Sober People Do For Fun?


Are you among the many people wondering what sober people do for fun? You’re not alone. Many people think that once you stop drinking, your life becomes dull.

But that’s not true at all!

Those living in the USA may opt for living in a sober living house like sober living Los Angeles or Texas. But you can do plenty on your own as well!

There are many fun activities that sober people can enjoy in their adult life just as much as those who drink.

Some might even say those sober activities are more enjoyable because they don’t involve alcohol, and there’s absolutely no need to fret about getting it in the way.

So if you’re looking for ideas on having fun without drinking, read on. You’ll be way surprised at how many options there are!

The Benefits Of Pursuing Sober Hobbies

As stated before, when people think of sobriety, they often envision a life of boredom and deprivation.

However, sobriety can be pretty freeing, opening up new opportunities to pursue hobbies and activities that may have been difficult or impossible to participate in while drinking.

For example, many people find that they have more free time and energy for hobbies like painting, gardening, hiking, or biking when sober.

Additionally, sober hobbies can provide a sense of purpose and help to reduce stress. They can also be a good way to meet new people and build lasting relationships.

Whether you’re recovering or simply trying to reduce your consumption, consider taking a sober pastime. It could be the best decision you ever make.

With that said, let’s look at some of the many sober fun things to do.

Fun Sober Activities

There are many enjoyable sober activities to participate in, whether you’re on your own or with friends.

Here are some of the best ideas to help you get started:

Get Involved In A Sport:

There are tons of good for health sports out there that sober people can enjoy, from team-up sports like basketball and soccer to individual sports like running and biking.

Not only is it a nice way to get some exercise, but it’s also a great way to socialize and meet new people.

Attend A Concert Or Show:

There are always plenty of sober concerts and shows to choose from, no matter what your taste in music or entertainment is.

You can even look for events that are specifically for sober people.

Take A Cooking Or Baking Class:

Learning how to cook or bake is a great way to have fun without doing things that involve drinking.

You’ll not only end up with some nice delicious food but also learn new skills.

Visit A Museum:

There are museums for all interests, from art and history to science and nature.

Spending a day at a museum is a great way to learn something new and have fun simultaneously.

Go Hiking Or Camping:

Going out into nature and enjoying is a great way to clear your head and have fun.

If you go on and invite friends, you can even make it into a social event.

Have A Game Night:

Game nights are a great way to have fun without drinking just as much as a date night with your loved one.

You can choose from many games, and you can even make it into a potluck-style event by having everyone bring their favorite snacks.

Take An Online Course:

Keeping yourself busy by learning new things is essential to maintaining sobriety.

With an internet connection, there are endless possibilities for learning new things.

You can take an online course on almost any topic, from history to cooking to web design. This will also help you in professional development.

Spend Time With Family Members:

This is a great way to have fun and bond with your family tree.

You can do all sorts of things together, from watching movies and playing games to going on outings and vacations.

Take A Dance Class:

Dancing is one of the best ways to let loose of yourself and have some fun. It’s also a great workout.

You can either take the class by yourself or with friends. You can even make new friends there!

Attend A Comedy Show:

Comedy shows are a great way to have a good time without drinking. You can find all sorts of shows, from stand-up to improv.

Go To The Movies:

Movies are always a fun option, whether you’re going alone or with friends. You can even make it into a marathon by watching back-to-back movies.

Go Rock Climbing:

If you are an adventurous person, consider rock climbing. Rock climbing can be a great way to exercise and have fun.

You can go to an indoor rock climbing gym or find some outdoor trails to explore.


Volunteering is great! Consider giving your time to homeless shelters in your own town or another worthy cause the next time you’re looking for ways to help in your community.

It’s also a great way to meet new people and have fun.

These are just a bunch of the many sober activities you can enjoy. If you’re looking for more ideas, there are plenty of resources to help you find them.

What Not To Do In Sobriety

Of course, there are also certain things that you should avoid doing while you’re sober. Here are a few of the most important things to keep in mind:

Don’t Drink:

This one may seem obvious to you, but it’s important to remember that sobriety means abstaining from alcohol.

If you slip up and drink, you’ll defeat the purpose of sobriety.

Don’t Do Drugs:

Like alcohol, sobriety means abstaining from all drugs and substance abuse, including prescription medication.

If you’re taking some medicines for a mental health condition, talk to your doctor before stopping.

Don’t Gamble:

Gambling can be very addictive, and avoiding it while you’re sober is essential.

If you get too involved in gambling, it’s best to walk away and find something else to do.

Don’t Smoke:

Smoking is another addictive behavior that can be harmful to your health. If you don’t already smoke, it’s best to avoid it altogether.

If you smoke, quitting as soon as possible is the best thing you can do for your health.

Sobriety is a journey, and it’s important to remember that there will be ups and downs.

The most vital thing is to stay positive and keep moving forward. If you slip up, don’t beat yourself up.

Just get back on your track and keep going. You can do it!

Conclusion: Sobriety Itself Is A Lot of Fun

Sobriety is often thought of as dull, restrictive, and sober. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, sobriety can be a lot of fun!

There are plenty of things that sober people can do for fun, ranging from active pursuits to more passive ones. So, if you’re wondering what sober people do for fun, choose from any of the activities we’ve discussed above and have a blast!